Liberian Life – children



Liberian Life – Ways to Make a Living

Pastor – Pastor Geeze and Gladys, 2011.
Police officer, 2011.
Be a Nurse, 2011.
Work in a hospital, 2011.
Sell barbequed beef on the street, 2011.
Sell bananas, 2011.
Harvest rubber from rubber trees, 2011.
Sell eggs, 2011.
Sell chairs, 2011.
Sell cement bricks, 2011.
Have a carpenter’s shop, 2011.
Make and sell furniture, 2011.
Sell bags of drinking water, 2011.
Sell cocoanut, 2011.
Sell bread, 2011.
Sell donuts, 2017.
Sell greens for stew, 2017.
Go river fishing and sell the fish, 2017.
Harvest rice, separate the rice from the chaff and sell the rice, 2017.
Be a school Principal, 2017.
Be a school teacher, 2017.
Be a priest, 2017.
Have a sewing business, 2017.
Sell palm nuts, 2017.
Sell pineapples, 2017.
Sell plants from a plant nursery, 2018.
Sell shovels, 2018.
Sell beef stew and rice door to door, 2018.
Sell avocadoes on the street, 2018.
Sell bras by wheelbarrow on the street, 2018.
Sell roasted corn on the street, 2018.
Sell sandals in the market, 2018.
Do home carpentry and remodeling, 2018.

Liberian Life – Cooking

Make sure you have plenty of charcoal at home to use as fuel, 2013.
There is plenty of delicious food in Liberia, 2013.
Finger bananas, oranges, sugar cane and palm nuts, 2013.
Fresh river fish for lunch? 2013
Perhaps some chicken legs…or feet? 2013
You will need to fry your food in oil, 2018.
Dried fish adds an excellent flavor to sauce over rice, 2018.
Don’t forget to buy vegetables for the stew, 2018.
Cassava for sale by the road, 2018.
This sweet girl gave me a FREE fish to take home (she is a friend of Pastor Jesse), 2018.
Grind up the spices with a mortar and pestle, 2013.
Supper is in progress! 2013
Fresh donut, fried in oil over a charcoal fire – YUM! 2011
Annie prepared potato greens with dried fish and palm oil over rice – my favorite! 2018
Often several women or several men will use their own spoon and eat from a common bowl, 2018.
Rebecca Konah prepared a dish with beans, onions and fish – absolutely wonderful! 2013
These ladies are delivering the food they prepared for us, 2013.
Pastor Tabla enjoying his lunch, 2013.

Some people use a fork, but Pastor Jesse prefers his knife when eating fresh pineapple, 2018.

Liberian Life – Laundry

Water comes from a well, using muscle power, 2018.
Laundry is a job for the mother and children; water, soap, water, wash board and buckets, 2011.
I cant’ stop to talk very long; I’ve got a lot to do! 2011
Wash, rinse, and hang to dry, 2013.
Ironing is important for wrinkle-free clothing, and the iron is heated by hot charcoal, 2018..
A few layers of padding and begin ironing, 2017.

Liberian Life – Transportation

One of the main streets of Kakata, Liberia; pedestrians, motorcycles and cars, 2013.
Sometimes it takes a group effort to get a truck to start, 2011.
Motorcycle taxi stop in Monrovia, 2013.
Does anyone need a ride on my motorcycle taxi? 2018
Sure, I’ll take a ride! 2013
A motorcycle is useful even when it is not moving! 2011
Drive-in motorcycle wash station (at a stream), 2013.
An over-loaded van full of people leaving the Monrovia market, 2013.
Off to town to sell charcoal for cooking, 2013.
People inside & chairs on top, 2013.
Fr. Paul Sobande MSP, using his truck for parish business, 2013.
Transporting barrels of supplies shipped from New Brighton, MN, from the shipping office in Monrovia to Kakata, 2013.
Delivering cement blocks to a customer, 2013.
Sometimes it can be a tight squeeze! 2013
One type of gas station – gas sold by the gallon in glass jars, 2013.
Plenty of gas for sale at this station, 2017.
It cost about $1.00 to hire a motorcycle from the West side of Kakata through town to St. Christopher Catholic Church, 2018.