Naomi – Gwee Town (Pastor Reeves’ home village)

Gwee Town, 2013.
Naomi’s greeting and brief talk were translated into Kpele (some villagers do not know English), 2013.
Meeting Pastor Reeves’ mother and father, 2013.
Seeing the mud bricks set aside for the construction of a local school (none in the area), 2013.
The Gwee Town residents prepared a flower archway as a welcome, 2013.
We ate a fabulous lunch of rice, greens an chicken, 2013.
These children have no school to attend – What can we do to change this? 2013
Naomi returned 4 years later – there is the beginning of a school in Gwee Town, 2017.
It is a poor village; only a few children could afford to pay for uniforms, 2017.
In Gwee Town where the permanent school is to be built, 2017.