St. Martin de Porres Catholic Community Center

Caretaker Office and Residence

February 2020 A grand beginning!

The first building of the St Martin de Porres Catholic Community Center is completed!

We have photo documentation of the progress. Enjoy!

Here is the finished product – now watch how it took shape……….
Father Joseph Mensah MSP, served as the contractor for the building project.

Many shovels make the job easier! In the area where the two sand piles sit in back, that is where the next building will be situated; the two-story main ministry building. But lets get this project up first!
So grateful that it is a cloudy day!
Nice and straight!
Laying out the rooms
The walls begin to rise; now it looks like a building!
A view through the center hall of the building.
Creating the front porch
Adding a cement layer to the large storage area
Iron rods inserted for security on the windows
Cement layer on the outer walls
Installing the front porch stairs
Strong metal doors installed for the storage area
Iron rod on the inside for security and glass windows on the outside for beauty.
A coat of paint completes the look – Fabulous!

Perimeter Wall

In preparation for the construction of buildings for the St Martin de Porres Community Center, a security perimeter wall is being erected along our fence line, 2019.
The upright iron rods are for cement posts to be added later, 2019.
Iron rod will be used for cement pillars later, 2019.
Notice the survey marker at the corner of the property; the fence is on the inside of our property line, 2019

Liberian Life – Transportation

One of the main streets of Kakata, Liberia; pedestrians, motorcycles and cars, 2013.
Sometimes it takes a group effort to get a truck to start, 2011.
Motorcycle taxi stop in Monrovia, 2013.
Does anyone need a ride on my motorcycle taxi? 2018
Sure, I’ll take a ride! 2013
A motorcycle is useful even when it is not moving! 2011
Drive-in motorcycle wash station (at a stream), 2013.
An over-loaded van full of people leaving the Monrovia market, 2013.
Off to town to sell charcoal for cooking, 2013.
People inside & chairs on top, 2013.
Fr. Paul Sobande MSP, using his truck for parish business, 2013.
Transporting barrels of supplies shipped from New Brighton, MN, from the shipping office in Monrovia to Kakata, 2013.
Delivering cement blocks to a customer, 2013.
Sometimes it can be a tight squeeze! 2013
One type of gas station – gas sold by the gallon in glass jars, 2013.
Plenty of gas for sale at this station, 2017.
It cost about $1.00 to hire a motorcycle from the West side of Kakata through town to St. Christopher Catholic Church, 2018.

St. Martin de Porres Community Center Security Fence

Digging the footers for the perimeter fence with muscle power! 2019

The perimeter fence foundation is mostly complete, surrounding the 4-acre parcel of land. The land is at its highest elevation in the center, therefore requiring the “stair-step” appearance to the block foundation of the fence.

Digging the trench for the cement footers, 2019.
Cement blocks are laid upon the cement footers, 2019.
The back side of the property drops off steeply, requiring “stair-step” laying of bricks, 2019.
The short cement pillars are the survey markers placed there by the landowners after the purchase of the land is complete. The owners initials are carved into the cement while it is wet, 2019.
Cement bricks, sand, …
…. and truck loads of gravel, 2019.

St Martin de Porres Community Center: Beginnings

Naomi Hard discussed with Fr. Paul Sobande MSP by e-mail in 2016 and in person with Fr. Emmanuel Mbuk MSP the concept of an evangelistic parish outreach to the greater Kakata community. The priest quickly saw the merits, but wanted to follow the proper protocol of calling upon the Parish Council for their input.
Mary Yah Coleman – Parish Council member and quite active in the parish (Legion of Mary and much more), 2017.
Parish Council member, conferring with Fr. Emmanuel Mbuk MSP on a business item, 2017.
Parish Council member, taking time away from work for a planning meeting, 2017.
Parish Council member, sharing his views on an item of business, 2017.
Several of the Parish Council members agree to meet in the middle of work day to discuss the St Martin de Porres Community Center, 2017.
Parish Council members tour land donated by an Irish Religious Sister in the late 1980’s, turned over to the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Monrovia, 2017.
Fr. Emmanuel Mbuk MSP and Naomi Hard travel two hours to meet with Archbishop Lewis Zeigler to discuss plans and seek permission to pursue construction of the St. Martin de Porres Community Center. Permission was granted, with the stipulation that the Center eventually become financially self-sufficient after the completion of construction, 2018.
Three days later, Archbishop Lewis Zeigler traveled to Kakata to visit the St Christopher Catholic School and tour the proposed site of the St
Fr. Emmanuel Mbuk MSP, Archbishop Lewis Zeigler, a parishioner who remembers the purchase and surveying of the land and its borders, and Naomi Hard walked the perimeter of the proposed Community Center property, 2018.
It was obvious from the placement of the survey markers that people had encroached upon the Archdiocese land. This fact was brought to court, but a definitive judgment was not made in such a way as to aid those who encroach to willingly leave. The two buildings on the left exist on Archdiocese land, 2018.
The entire perimeter was examined, 2018.
All survey markers were located, 2018.
The Archdiocese land goes straight back and diagonally to the right and back from this marker. The perimeter is an odd shape with 5 corner markers, 2018.
This parishioner is acquainted with the history of the land, from the original purchase by the Irish Religious Sister, through two civil wars, re-surveying and transference to the Archdiocese. Where he is standing will likely be the corner of the caretaker/guard office and dwelling, 2018.

St Christopher Catholic Church – Parish Council

About half of the Parish Council was able to meet during the day to discuss the idea of a Catholic Community Center, 2017.
There was immediate agreement to pursue the idea of the parish sponsoring a Catholic community center for evangelistic outreach in Kakata, Liberia, 2017.
Immediately following the meeting, the Parish Council members toured 4 acres of land owned by the Archdiocese in Kakata which has not yet been developed, 2017.
The land has a high elevation (good drainage), an excellent road passing through it, and lies in an expanding/developing segment of Kakata, 2017.
The four acres passes up and over this little hill, 2017.

St Christopher Zone Mass – (Parishioner’s Home)

Parishioner host and Fr. Emmanuel Mbuk set up for Mass in outdoor courtyard, 2017.
Catholic neighbors assemble in yard, 2017.
Fr. Emmanuel Mbuk MSP celebrates Mass in the late afternoon, 2017.

The parishioners enjoy it when Fr. Emmanuel Mbuk MSP visits them in their own neighborhoods, 2017.
After Mass, the priest and neighbors eat, drink and talk together, building relationships, 2017.

St Christopher Catholic Church Parish School

Students with administrator, 2018.
St Christopher Parish School students between classes, April 2018.
Science Lab, 2013.
Science Lab, 2013.
St Christopher Parish School Administration staff, 2013.
Teachers assembled, All Saints’ Day School Mass, 2013.
Fr. Paul Sobande MSP, Jane Heinks and Registrar review school records, 2013.
School’s out; preparing to go home, 2013.
Leaving school for the day, 2017.

St Christopher Catholic Church – Priests

The priests assigned to St. Christopher Catholic Church and School are under the Archdiocese of Monrovia, Liberia, but they are citizens of Nigeria, and members of the religious order “Missionaries of St. Paul.”

Fr. George Okoro MSP, Pastor of St Christopher, 2011.

Fr. Paul Sobande MSP, interim Pastor of St Christopher in 2013. In 2017, began role as Parochial Vicar and Parish School Principal.
Fr. Emmanuel Mbuk MSP, began role as Pastor of St Christopher Catholic Church and has primary responsibility in supervising construction of the St Martin de Porres Catholic Community Center, 2017.

St Christopher Catholic Church – History

First interaction with St. Christopher Catholic Church, Kakata, 2011.

Naomi donated some Catholic books provided by a friend, Deacon Mike Martin, from Minnesota, 2011.

Inside of St. Christopher Catholic Church. Naomi is not Catholic at this time, but was curious to visit this parish, 2011.

The Church interior had been updated by Naomi’s second visit in 2013.
St Christopher vestry area, 2013.
Sacristy supplies, 2013.

Jane Heinks and Naomi Hard passed on to Fr. Paul Sobande MSP donations from St John the Baptist, New Brighton, MN – Bibles, Catechisms, religious books, school and dental supplies, 2013.
Fr. Paul Sobande MSP discussing St Christopher parish issues with Jane Heinks, 2013.
Fr. Paul Sobande MSP, Sunday Mass, November 2013.
Fr. Paul Sobande MSP, required a truck to say Mass at 3 sites on Sundays; sites were at least 30 minutes driving distance from each other. [Jane Heinks exiting the vehicle.] 2013
Naomi practicing the gourd shaker (percussion instrument) following Sunday Mass. Naomi became Catholic six months earlier, 2013.
New friends at St Christopher; this woman passed away in 2017. Photo from 2013.
Ready to attend Mass on Sunday morning, 2013.
Jane Heinks making friends with two young parishioners. 2013.
Mary Yah Coleman and Fr. Emmanuel Mbuk MSP, newly-appointed pastor for St Christopher in Kakata and St. Mary Magdalene in Weala, 2017.
St Christopher Catholic Church and School, 2017.
Adoration and Exhibition of the Holy Eucharist prior to weekday Masses, led by Fr. Emmanuel Mbuk MSP, 2018.
Fr. Paul Sobande MSP (Parochial Vicar), Naomi and friends after Sunday Mass, 2018.
Adoration Chapel at St. Christopher Catholic Church, 2018.
Fr. Paul Sobande and parishioners after Sunday Mass; distribution of Catholic religious articles & Rosary beads, 2018.